Clubs & Organizations

Center for Student Engagement

Connecting You to Your Passion.

Pro Life CLub

新濠天地app新濠天地app的俱乐部和组织提供各种各样的机会,让你融入校园. Whether you enjoy the arts, playing sports, or joining an accredited chapter of an academic club, there's something for everyone! Below you will find a list of the current, active clubs & student organizations on campus.



Official Club & Student Organization List

Academic Clubs

Accounting Club

Club Mission Statement / Purpose

新濠天地app的使命是为学生提供专业的社交机会, development, and jobs in the field of accounting.

Contact Info:


American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)

Club Mission Statement / Purpose

ASCE新濠天地app分会的目标是促进土木工程专业的发展, 通过这个小组有组织的努力,通过学生之间和工程专业成员之间的互动.

Contact Info:


Open to all students, recommended for engineering students

American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)

Club Mission Statement / Purpose

ASME俱乐部的存在是为了促进和传播机械工程的理论和实践, the presentation of proper perspective of engineering work, 并有机会了解国家协会的人员和活动.  新濠天地app还为新濠天地app的机械工程专业学生提供机会,与工程系的同学和教授建立联系,以促进专业意识和友谊.

Contact Info:


Open to all students. Recommended for engineering students

Chemistry Club

Club Mission Statement / Purpose

新濠天地app大学化学俱乐部的使命是为物理科学的学术成长提供一个以基督为中心的氛围. We strive to achieve this goal through public demonstrations, academic lectures, research projects, service projects and overall discussions of faith and science.

Contact Info:


Computer and Electrical Engineering Club

Club Mission Statement / Purpose

为对计算机工程感兴趣的学生提供一个学习环境, electrical engineering, 计算机科学可以通过创建各种课外项目来探索计算机和电气工程的各个方面.  新濠天地app的目标是为这个校园和比弗瀑布的社区做出贡献.  新濠天地app希望有一个地方,让学生通过开发真实世界的应用程序来整合他们在课堂上学到的知识,这些应用程序既有趣又有益于新濠天地app和他人.

Contact Info:


Open to all students

Criminal Justice Club

Club Mission Statement / Purpose

新濠天地app的刑事司法俱乐部的使命是创造一个机会,让学生了解刑事司法专业和那些在基督教环境中受到刑事司法系统的影响. 俱乐部强调基督教教育在每个学生的专业和精神发展中的重要性

Contact Info:


Open to all students

English Club

Club Mission Statement / Purpose


Contact Info: 


Geneva Student Education Association

Club Mission Statement / Purpose

The purpose of GSEA shall be (1) to foster a spirit of collegiality among education majors; (2) to provide a co-curricular format for educating future teachers about current resources, strategies, and issues surrounding the school organization and education; and (3) to provide opportunities for community service to benefit school-aged children.

Contact Info:


National Student Speech Language Hearing Association

Club Mission Statement / Purpose:

该俱乐部的目的是通过促进学术知识,提高学生在新濠天地app新濠天地app校园的教育和社会经验, 提高周围社区对沟通障碍的认识, and preparing students for a future career in speech-language pathology.

Contact Us: 


Upcoming Events

Late Night Breakfast - End of Spring Semester Study Reading Day

Pre-Health Care Career Club

Club Mission Statement / Purpose

A Christ-centered student led group designed to bring together, support, 并教育任何有兴趣从事学前保健职业道路的人.  Working alongside faculty advisors with experience in the field, 官员将为学生和社区市民计划和组织活动. 

Contact Info:


Pre-Law Club

Club Mission Statement / Purpose

旨在为未来的法律学生准备足够的资源,为他们准备法新濠天地app的独特挑战做好准备.  This includes, but is not limited to, introducing students to individuals in the legal profession, 与宾夕法尼亚西部及其他地区的法新濠天地app招生官员建立联系, and preparing students for the Law School Admissions Test (LSAT).  一个额外的重点将放在发展和理解圣经的正义概念, Isaiah 1:17 claims, "Learn to do goo; seek justice, correct oppression..." (NIV).  As future professionals in the business of justice, 俱乐部将专注于在新濠天地app的校园以及更大的比弗瀑布社区推进正义.

Contact Info:



Interest and Affinity Clubs

Black Student Union

Club Mission Statement / Purpose


Contact Info:


Open to all students


Anime Club

Club Mission Statement / Purpose

新濠天地app的使命是通过接触动漫来在校园里庆祝日语, manga, craft, food, games and other opportunities.

Contact Info:


Open to all students

Commuter Club

Club Mission Statement / Purpose


Contact Info:

Club Officers

Creation Care Club

Club Mission Statement / Purpose

促进对新濠天地app校园和社区创作的管理. 通过学习上帝的创造和继续美化新濠天地app的校园和周围社区,教导和展示成为创造的栽培者意味着什么. We provide education about creation and history of resource use, promote discussion about environmental topics, participate in community service projects, encourage related research projects, and track progress of Geneva’s environmental stewardship practices.

Contact Info:


Foundations Club

Club Mission Statement / Purpose


Contact Info:

Gold Spire Creation

Club Mission Statement / Purpose


Contact Info:

International Student Organization

Club Mission Statement / Purpose


Contact Info:

Morgan's Message

Club Mission Statement / Purpose


Contact Info:

Pro-life Club

Club Mission Statement / Purpose

通过高举和保存生命的圣洁来荣耀神, 体现在提高意识,并努力保护未出生的生命.  这样行,就显出对神超越一切的爱,和对邻舍尊荣基督的爱.

Contact Info:

Student Veteran Association

Club Mission Statement / Purpose:


Contact Info:


Open to all students

Swing Dance Club

Club Mission Statement / Purpose


Contact Info:

Tornado RPG's

Club Mission Statement / Purpose


Contact Info:

Urban Gaming Club

Club Mission Statement / Purpose


Contact Info:


Sports Clubs

Cheerleading Club

Club Mission Statement / Purpose

As Geneva College cheerleaders, 新濠天地app努力发扬校风,鼓舞新濠天地app新濠天地app足球的士气, and men′s basketball teams. 新濠天地app的存在是为了鼓励新濠天地app的运动员,因为他们在各自的赛季中努力提高自己和球队的水平. As Geneva College Cheerleaders, 促进一个积极的运动环境被认为是新濠天地app的责任和快乐, 同时支持新濠天地app新濠天地app的男子足球队和篮球队. 新濠天地app的存在是为了娱乐和鼓励观众在各自的体育比赛中以积极和体育精神的方式行事.

Contact Info:


Men's Rugby

Club Mission Statement / Purpose

为学生创造一个既能享受橄榄球竞技运动,又能建立友谊的环境, friendship, pride, and brotherhood.

Contact Info:


Women's Rugby

Club Mission Statement / Purpose


Contact Info: 


Nothing Interesting? Make your own!

如果你没有看到一个与你有兴趣的组织,考虑开始你自己的俱乐部! 新濠天地app为学生提供资源,根据他们的兴趣建立小组. 将新俱乐部提案包提交给学生参与中心.  新的学生组织必须至少有三名成员-一名主席, a vice president and a treasurer, an on-campus faculty or staff advisor, and a constitution.


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Come visit us in Alumni Hall!